The first striking thing that most gamers will notice is that Goof Troop is quite unlike most games from it's era. Almost all titles created previously under the Capcom/Disney partnership resulted in some form of side-scrolling platformer. Goof Troop can be best described as a top-down, real-time puzzle/adventure game designed with cooperative play in mind; and cooperative play was obviously a focus that Capcom must have had when first designing this title. The top right corner of the screen is exclusively reserved for a potential second player (typically Max, with Goofy as the main character in the top left), and will flash "PRESS START" in that corner a la most fighting games until someone joins in.
The primary idea in this game is that players must advance through an exit door by individual screens of gameplay (similar to the first Legend of Zelda) while solving a unique puzzle to that screen each time. The game can throw many different types of objectives at you in each screen, such as: defeat all enemies, press down each switch (sometimes in a certain order), avoid obstacles, etc. The level designers of Disney's Goof Troop did a great job in pulling together individual screens to feel like a consistent level, and will force you to explore each potential nook of the level to uncover necessary keys to advance (like the aforementioned Legend of Zelda's dungeons).
As Goofy and Max make their way through the adventure, they are limited to two items at any given time. You will consistently find yourself swapping between items you're currently holding and ones you find throughout the level in order to advance and get extra items (such as fruit and jewels, that increase your health and lives, respectively). This helps keep things even more puzzle-based, and is a contributing factor to it's moderate difficulty. Only a couple of the puzzles really seem to take a bit of brain power and proper planning to solve, but that just keeps things feeling rewarding throughout the experience. You're also timed through this game in each of the 5 relatively short levels, and can reasonably expect to complete each of the 5 levels in 15-20 minutes.
There's a lot less to talk about in the audio aspects of this game. The songs of Disney's Goof Troop won't be the type that you'll be humming after the game is through, but are serviceable and fun. The sound effects are decent, albeit a bit loud, but certainly aren't scathing to one's ears.
The visuals always seem to be a strength in these Capcom/Disney titles, and Goof Troop generally lives up to that standard. The levels are always bright and colorful, and the sprites are very well depicted. Though pretty inconsequential to the experience, the cut scenes between levels each feature some excellent pixel art that help tell a story and pull together the different themes. Top-down 2D gameplay can be more difficult to work with from an artistic perspective, but I'm quite happy with what they've pulled off here.
As those who have been reading our site have probably noticed, Kevin and I tend to favor mostly less known or cooperative games, and it tends to be a bonus if its on the Super Nintendo. Disney's Goof Troop fits the bill in all of those regards. Coupling that with the fact that there are so few games like it out there, I'm left recommending this title to anyone out there (especially if you can wrangle a close gamer buddy to play with) and give this at least one play-through. Capcom is a developer that's held to the highest of standards by both of us here at Time Traveling Gamers, and despite Goof Troop's brevity, it's a fun experience worthy of the developer's name.
Overall Score: 7.0/10 (Puzzle/Adventure, especially one that's top-down 2D, is not a genre bursting with games to choose from, so it's delightful to come across one that's as entertaining as Disney's Goof Troop is. You should be able to track down this SNES cart for no more then $10, and then the only issue left should be coordinating a buddy to sit down and play it with!)
- Randy
great review :D